
Monday, March 26, 2012

Telugu Samvatsaralu, Ruthuvulu

60 Telugu samvatsaralu ( 60 telugu years )
Prabhava (1987), Vibhava, Shukla, Pramodootha, Prajotpaththi, Angirasa, Srimukha, Bhaava, Yuva, Dhaata, Eeswara, Bahudhaanya, Pramaadi, Vikrama, Vrusha, Chitrabhaanu, Swabhaanu, Thaarana, Paardiva, Vyaya, Sarvajit, Sarvadhaari, Virodhi, Vikruthi, Khara, Nandana, Vijaya, Jaya, Manmadha, Dhurmukhi, Helambi, Vilambi, Vikaari, Saarvari, lava, Subhakruthu, Sobhakrutu, Krodhi, Viswasanu, Paraabhava, Plavanga, Keelaka, Soumya, Saadhaarana, Virodhikrutu, Pareedhaani, Pramaadi, Aananda, Raakshasa, Nala, Pingala, Kaalayukthi, Siddharthi, Rowdri, Duramthi, Dundubhi, Rudhirodgaari, Raktakshi, Krodhana, Kshaya

27 Nakshatras ( 27 Zodiac Stars )
aswini, bharani, krittika, rohini, mrigashira, arudra, punarvasu, pushya, ashlesha, makha, poorvaphalguni, uttaraphalguni, hastha, chitra, swathi, visakha, anuradha, jyeshta, moola, poorvashada, uttarashada, sravana, dhanishta, satabhisha, poorvabhadra, uttarabhadhra, revathi

6 Rithus( 6 Seasons)
Vasantha, Greeshma, Varsha, Sharath, Hemanta, Sisira

Jmeter Manual

Apache JMeter is a 100% pure Java desktop application designed to load test client/server software (such as a web application). It may be used to test performance both on static and dynamic resources such as static files, Java Servlets, CGI scripts, Java objects, databases,FTP servers, and more. JMeter can be used to simulate a heavy load on a server, network or object to test its strength or to analyze overall performance under different load types.
Additionally, JMeter can help you regression test your application by letting you create test scripts with assertions to validate that your application is returning the results you expect. For maximum flexibility, JMeter lets you create these assertions using regular expressions.
But please note that JMeter is not a browser.

SAP High-Performance Analytic Appliance 1.0 (SAP HANA)

Perl Regular Expression

Load Runner Scripting

Loadrunner Scripting

  1. Recording level
Script describing user actions in the form of web_url, web_link, web_image etc. Best for browser applications without JavaScript
Script describing user actions in the form of web_url. Best for applet and non-browser application
Record HTML actions as
context sensitive GUI functions such as web_text_link.This is the ideal recording level for Oracle Web Applications 11i and PeopleSoft Enterprise. Best for browser applications with JavaScript

  1. web_image_check(Within HTML-based scripts (not URL-based scripts)
Syntax : web_image_check("","", LAST)
Ex: web_image_check("imgae1","src=filepath/image001.jpg",LAST);

  1. web_reg_find
    It search for a text string for the very next Action function in the script. It scans the buffers as they arrive rather than after a page is received.
    Syntax : web_reg_find("Text=", LAST);
      web_reg_find returns 1 (constant LR_FAIL) if it fail.
      web_reg_find returns 0 (constant LR_PASS) if it successful
      Ex: web_reg_find("Text=Google", LAST);

  1. Manual Correlation  
To save and display text , use web_reg_save_param command to extract text after searching it between tokens LB and RB (Left and Right Beacons) non-NULL terminated dynamic data from an HTML page to a parameter.
       web_reg_save_param("text_extracted","LB=xxx","RB=xxx", LAST);
        //change LB to LB/ic if you want to ignore case sensitveness

web_reg_save_param("Buffer","LB/ic=","RB=", LAST );
 int web_reg_save_param(const char *paramName, , LAST);
NotFound is  a handling method which invokes when a boundary is not found and it generates an empty string. “ERROR,” is the default value. “EMPTY,” no error message and script execution continues. This parameter is optional.

LB The left boundary of the data. Boundary parameters are case sensitive; to ignore, add “/IC” after the boundary. Specify “/BIN” after boundary to specify binary data. This is must.

RB The right boundary of the data. Boundary parameters are case sensitive; to ignore, add “/IC” after the boundary. Specify “/BIN” after boundary to specify binary data. This is must.

ORD This parameter indicates the number of matches or instance (occurrence). It saves the parameter values in an array, if you specify “All”. The default value is 1. This parameter is optional.

These Attributes are rarely used :

RelFrameID The hierarchy level of HTML page relative to requested URL.
Search It specifies scope of search. The possible values are Headers, Body, or ALL (searches in both Body and headers). The default value is ALL.
SaveOffset The offset of a sub-string of found value, to save to the parameter. The default is 0. Offset value must be non-negative.
Savelen It specifies length of the string of found value, to save to the parameter. The default is -1, indicating full length of the string.
Convert  HTML_TO_URL: convert HTML-encoded data to a URL-encoded data format and HTML_TO_TEXT: convert HTML-encoded data to plain text format
Ex: web_reg_save_param("Jsession","LB= Set-Cookie:”, "RB=";", "Ord=All", "NotFound=EMPTY", LAST);

5.      lr_log_message
            Sends a message to a log file.
            Syntax: int lr_log_message (const char * format, exp1,...expn.);
            Ex: lr_log_message (“ Jsession = %s”, jsession);

          Sends a message to the Output window or the Business Process Monitor log files.
           Syntax: int lr_output_message (const char * format, exp1,...expn.);
           Ex : lr_output_message(“ Jsession = %s”, jsession);

 Sends a string to the Status area of the Controller or Tuning Module Console's    Vuser window. It also sends this string to the Vuser log. Not applicable for Application Management.
           Syntax: int lr_vuser_status_message (const char * format.);
           Ex : lr_vuser_status_message (“ Jsession = %s”, jsession);

  1. lr_abort
         The lr_abort function aborts the execution of a script . It stops the execution of the
         Actions section, executes the vuser_end section, and ends the execution. This
function is useful when you need to manually abort a run as a result of a specific error condition. When you end a run using this function, the status is "Stopped."
         Syntax: void lr_abort( );
         Ex:  lr_abort( );

  1. lr_save_string 
          The lr_save_string function assigns the specified null-terminated string
          to a parameter. This function is useful in correlating queries.
          Syntax: int lr_save_string (const char *param_value, const char *param_name);
          Ex:  lr_save_string( buffer, “jsession”);

  1. lr_eval_string
The lr_eval_string function returns the input string after evaluating any embedded     parameters. If string argument contains only a parameter, the function returns the current value of the parameter.
      Syntax: char * lr_eval_string (const char * instring );
      Ex: lr_eval_string("{jsession}")

  1. lr_whoami
            The lr_whoami function gets information about the Vuser.
            Syntax: void lr_whoami (int *vuser_id, char **sgroup, int *scid);
            Ex: lr_whoami(&vuser, &vuser_group, NULL);

  1. lr_think_time
            lr_think_time allows you to pause test execution during a run. This is especially
useful in simulating think time, the time a real user pauses to think between actions.
      Syntax: void lr_think_time (double time); time is in sec
      Ex: lr_think_time (10);

  1. lr_load_dll
         The lr_load_dll function loads a DLL (Windows) or shared object (UNIX) allowing
you to call an external function when replaying using the C interpreter. Once you load the DLL, you can call any function defined in the DLL, without having to declare it. You can specify a full path for the DLL.

  1. web_add_header
     Adds a user-defined header to the next HTTP request
     Syntax: int web_add_header (const char *Header, const char *Content ); 
     Ex: web_add_header("Cookie",cookieString);

  1. web_cache_cleanup();

  1. lr_continue_on_error(1);
      tells LR to continue execution even on error.
            tells LR to terminate execution on error

C Constants
Object Oriented Value (no constants)


C Constants
Object Oriented Value (no constants)

           Macro’s for result directory:

Value (no constants)

  1. Transaction statements to get transaction timing

  1. Put lr_set_debug_message before the request for which you want log setting to 


Generic Logging Settings
Flag for un-checking Enable Logging in the Runtime settings.
Flag for Standard Log.
Flag for Extended Log
Extra Settings for Extended Log
Flag for Data returned by server.
Flag for Parameter substitution.
Flag for Advanced Trace.
Log Options
Only on error. Corresponds to “Send messages only when an error occurs”.

  1. In order get the info on the downloaded file use following function after the web_url, etc request send to get PDF or Excel file, we can then use this info to compare the actual size on the server.
Size = web_get_int_property(HTTP_INFO_DOWNLOAD_SIZE)
Time= web_get_int_property(HTTP_INFO_DOWNLOAD_TIME)

  1. C functions:
             strcat Concatenates two strings.
             strcmp Compares two strings to determine the alphabetic order.
                         A zero value indicates that both strings are equal.
             strcpy Copies one string to another.
             strlen Returns the length of a string.
             long fp, fp1;      
             char tempy[100];   
             int sprintf ( char * str, const char * format, ... );
             e.g. sprintf(currValue,"{User_Id_%d}",i);
             char * strtok ( char * str, const char * delimiters );
             char *strtok(char * ,char *);
             mToken =(char *)strtok (lr_eval_string(currValue),mSeperator);

             fp = fopen(lr_eval_string("C:\\UserId1.txt"),"r");
             fscanf(fp,"%s", &tempy);

              fp = fopen(lr_eval_string("C:\\UserId1.txt"),"w+");

LoadRunner C Vuser Functions

Using C Vuser Functions

Transaction Functions:
lr_end_sub_transaction Marks the end of a sub-transaction for performance analysis.
lr_end_transaction Marks the end of a transaction.
lr_end_transaction_instance Marks the end of a transaction instance for performance analysis.
lr_fail_trans_with_error Sets the status of open transactions to LR_FAIL and sends an error message.
lr_get_trans_instance_duration Gets the duration of a transaction instance specified by its handle.
lr_get_trans_instance_wasted_time Gets the wasted time of a transaction instance by its handle.
lr_get_transaction_duration Gets the duration of a transaction by its name.
lr_get_transaction_think_time Gets the think time of a transaction by its name.
lr_get_transaction_wasted_time Gets the wasted time of a transaction
by its name.
lr_resume_transaction Resumes collecting transaction data for performance analysis.
lr_resume_transaction_instance Resumes collecting transaction instance data for performance analysis.
lr_set_transaction_instance_status Sets the status of a transaction instance.
lr_set_transaction_status Sets the status of open transactions.
lr_set_transaction_status_by_name Sets the status of a transaction.
lr_start_sub_transaction Marks the beginning of a subtransaction.
lr_start_transaction Marks the beginning of a transaction.
lr_start_transaction_instance Starts a nested transaction specified by its parent’s handle.
lr_stop_transaction Stops the collection of transaction
lr_stop_transaction_instance Stops collecting data for a transaction specified by its handle.
lr_wasted_time Removes wasted time from all open transactions.

String Functions
lr_eval_string Replaces a parameter with its current value.
lr_save_string Saves a null-terminated string to a parameter.
lr_save_var Saves a variable length string to a parameter.
lr_save_datetime Saves the current date and time to a parameter.
lr _advance_param Advances to the next available parameter.
lr _decrypt Decrypts an encoded string.
lr_eval_string_ext Retrieves a pointer to a buffer containing parameter data.
lr_eval_string_ext_free Frees the pointer allocated by
lr_save_searched_string Searches for an occurrence of string in a buffer and saves a portion of the buffer, relative to the string occurrence, to a parameter.

Message Functions
lr_debug_message Sends a debug message to the Output window or the Business Process Monitor log files.
lr_error_message Sends an error message to the Output window or the Business Process Monitor log files.
lr_get_debug_message Retrieves the current message class.
lr_log_message Sends a message to a log file.
lr_output_message Sends a message to the Output window or the Business Process Monitor log files.
lr_set_debug_message Sets a debug message class.
lr_vuser_status_message Generates and prints formatted output to the Controller or Console Vuser status area. Not applicable for Application Management tests.
lr_message Sends a message to the Vuser log and Output window or the Business Process Monitor log files.

Run-Time Functions
lr_load_dll Loads an external DLL.
lr_peek_events Indicates where a Vuser script can be paused.
lr_think_time Pauses script execution to emulate think time—the time a real user pauses to think between actions.
lr_continue_on_error Specifies an error handling method.
lr_rendezvous Sets a rendezvous point in a Vuser script. Not applicable for Application Management tests.

Informational Functions
lr_user_data_point Records a user-defined data sample.
lr_whoami Returns information about a Vuser to the Vuser script. Not applicable for Application Management tests.
lr_get_host_name Returns the name of the host executing the Vuser script.
lr_get_master_host_name Returns the name of the machine running the LoadRunner Controller or Tuning Console. Not applicable for Application Management tests.

Command Line Parsing Functions
lr_get_attrib_double Retrieves a double type variable used on the script command line.
lr_get_attrib_long Retrieves a long type variable used on the script command line.
lr_get_attrib_string Retrieves a string used on the script command line.

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