
Monday, March 26, 2012

LoadRunner C Vuser Functions

Using C Vuser Functions

Transaction Functions:
lr_end_sub_transaction Marks the end of a sub-transaction for performance analysis.
lr_end_transaction Marks the end of a transaction.
lr_end_transaction_instance Marks the end of a transaction instance for performance analysis.
lr_fail_trans_with_error Sets the status of open transactions to LR_FAIL and sends an error message.
lr_get_trans_instance_duration Gets the duration of a transaction instance specified by its handle.
lr_get_trans_instance_wasted_time Gets the wasted time of a transaction instance by its handle.
lr_get_transaction_duration Gets the duration of a transaction by its name.
lr_get_transaction_think_time Gets the think time of a transaction by its name.
lr_get_transaction_wasted_time Gets the wasted time of a transaction
by its name.
lr_resume_transaction Resumes collecting transaction data for performance analysis.
lr_resume_transaction_instance Resumes collecting transaction instance data for performance analysis.
lr_set_transaction_instance_status Sets the status of a transaction instance.
lr_set_transaction_status Sets the status of open transactions.
lr_set_transaction_status_by_name Sets the status of a transaction.
lr_start_sub_transaction Marks the beginning of a subtransaction.
lr_start_transaction Marks the beginning of a transaction.
lr_start_transaction_instance Starts a nested transaction specified by its parent’s handle.
lr_stop_transaction Stops the collection of transaction
lr_stop_transaction_instance Stops collecting data for a transaction specified by its handle.
lr_wasted_time Removes wasted time from all open transactions.

String Functions
lr_eval_string Replaces a parameter with its current value.
lr_save_string Saves a null-terminated string to a parameter.
lr_save_var Saves a variable length string to a parameter.
lr_save_datetime Saves the current date and time to a parameter.
lr _advance_param Advances to the next available parameter.
lr _decrypt Decrypts an encoded string.
lr_eval_string_ext Retrieves a pointer to a buffer containing parameter data.
lr_eval_string_ext_free Frees the pointer allocated by
lr_save_searched_string Searches for an occurrence of string in a buffer and saves a portion of the buffer, relative to the string occurrence, to a parameter.

Message Functions
lr_debug_message Sends a debug message to the Output window or the Business Process Monitor log files.
lr_error_message Sends an error message to the Output window or the Business Process Monitor log files.
lr_get_debug_message Retrieves the current message class.
lr_log_message Sends a message to a log file.
lr_output_message Sends a message to the Output window or the Business Process Monitor log files.
lr_set_debug_message Sets a debug message class.
lr_vuser_status_message Generates and prints formatted output to the Controller or Console Vuser status area. Not applicable for Application Management tests.
lr_message Sends a message to the Vuser log and Output window or the Business Process Monitor log files.

Run-Time Functions
lr_load_dll Loads an external DLL.
lr_peek_events Indicates where a Vuser script can be paused.
lr_think_time Pauses script execution to emulate think time—the time a real user pauses to think between actions.
lr_continue_on_error Specifies an error handling method.
lr_rendezvous Sets a rendezvous point in a Vuser script. Not applicable for Application Management tests.

Informational Functions
lr_user_data_point Records a user-defined data sample.
lr_whoami Returns information about a Vuser to the Vuser script. Not applicable for Application Management tests.
lr_get_host_name Returns the name of the host executing the Vuser script.
lr_get_master_host_name Returns the name of the machine running the LoadRunner Controller or Tuning Console. Not applicable for Application Management tests.

Command Line Parsing Functions
lr_get_attrib_double Retrieves a double type variable used on the script command line.
lr_get_attrib_long Retrieves a long type variable used on the script command line.
lr_get_attrib_string Retrieves a string used on the script command line.

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